12 Jul 2024

Mindful Yoga in the Mountains

A mountain top yoga class in Tahoe Meadows, NV designed for a younger audience with a focus on movement, breath, and mindfulness.


When: Friday, July 12, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Where: Tahoe Meadows Ophir Creek Trailhead, Mt Rose Hwy Directions
Description: For children ages 8-13, kids yoga classes are designed to promote mindfullness and stress tolerance.
With: The Courage Project

Class Outline

Song - Activity
The Light - Welcome
Sun & Sea - Half Sun Salutation
Feeling Good - Various animal asanas (fish butterfly star)
Om - Asanas with focus on breath-work
Evan Finds the 3rd Room - Balancing poses Solo + Group Circle
Kusanagi - Inversions
The Rain - Meditation
You Wish - 3 good things
The Light - End

Spotify Playlist


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