Friday Mountain Top Yoga
A mountain top yoga class in Tahoe Meadows, NV designed for a younger audience with a focus on movement, breath, and mindfulness.
Courage Project
The Courage Project seeks to enhance the lives of children who experience anxiety and depression through mindful engagement in inspiring outdoor experiences, education, and training. Our yoga classes for children ages 8-13 are designed to promote mindfulness and resilance.
Opening Awareness
“When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the Yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.” ~ Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Opening Stretch
Standing Breath of Joy
Floor Work
Balancing and Breathing Practice
The black and white yoga icons from created by dDara , monkik, Freepik , and Eideticmemo.
This yoga class was organized by The Courage Project and took place near the Tahoe Meadows South Trailhead in Nevada. The yoga sequence designed for a younger audience, with poses referred to by animal names where possible and a focus is on syncing movement to breath. It contains 7 sections (open awareness, open stretch, standing breath work, floor work, balancing poses, inversions, and relaxation). Much of the sequence was inspired by a YouTube video called Fun Kids Yoga w/ Kris Blunt (30 Minute Class). A 40-minute playlist accompanies the sequence to help sync the breath with movement and stillness.