20 Oct 2024

Tahoe Flow - Yinyasa Yoga

Yinyasa yoga is a hybrid class that combines elements of yin and vinyasa yoga. The class begins with restorative postures to stretch the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue that supports the body's organs). Then, we warm the body with subtle movements and incorporate sun salutations and standing poses to build strength, flexibility, and balance. This is a relaxed flow class appropriate for all levels and abilities. Yinyasa will leave you feeling calm and energized.


When: Sunday, October %*d, 2024 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Where: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness in Tahoe Vista, CA
Description: Yinyasa yoga is a hybrid class that combines elements of yin and vinyasa yoga. The class begins with restorative postures to stretch the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue that supports the body’s organs). Then, we warm the body with subtle movements and incorporate sun salutations and standing poses to build strength, flexibility, and balance. This is a relaxed flow class appropriate for all levels and abilities. Yinyasa will leave you feeling calm and energized.

Spotify Playlist

Class Outline

  • Restorative
    • Savasana with bolster on blocks
    • Wide-leg straddle with chest and head on bolster
    • Knee to nose pose with bolster
  • Warm-up
    • Hero pose with wrist rolls
    • Cat / Cow
    • Childs / Cobra
    • Downdog / Bear
  • Sun Salutations
  • Standing Poses
    • Warrior I Flow
    • Warrior II Flow
    • One-leg tadasana
  • Relaxation
    • Seated figure four
    • Legs up wall
    • Wind-relieving pose
    • Reclined twists
    • Seated twist with bolster
    • Savasana


Only one person showed up for class, so we had a nice private session with lots of good discussion. I read her and inhale exhale meditation to start. I was able to hold poses a little longer than usual by waiting for the songs to end, which was good since yin involves holding poses. She really loved the cover of Fade into You. It was a great class.

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