14 Jul 2024

Stand Up Paddle Yoga 3 - Family

The theme of this class is 'Family' and includes partner poses and glances to build connection to one another.



When: Sunday, July 7, 2024 from 9:30 - 10:45 AM
Where: Mourelatos Lake Shore Resort, Tahoe Vista Directions
Description: Stand Up Paddle Yoga is a series of fun class for all levels with flowing poses and breathwork to build stability, flexibility, and mindfulness. These classes will follow an arc of opening awareness, warm-up stretch, balancing poses, inversions, grounding poses, relaxation, and a cold plunge.
With: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness

Class Outline

Song - Activity
Kusanai - Anchors
The Light - Welcome
Sun & Sea - Loving Kindness Meditation
Strawberry Letter 23 - Seated stretch
Feeling Good - Seated stretch
Sun is Shining - Sun Sal with Low Lunge
Family Affair - Warrior II
Mothership Connection - Partner Yoga
Evan Finds the 3rd Room - Boat poses
The Rain - Bridge and reclined twists
You Wish - Open Flow
Joy - Final Poses
The Light - Savasana
JUMP - Swim
You Wish - Anchors



I always play the “JUMP” song at the end of my classes when its time to go for a cold plunge so that people will not be scared to jump in. The lyrics include this spoken verse:

You see here, kid
You gotta just go for it
Don’t think about what comes after or what came before
You just gotta bend your knees, take a deep breath, and jump
And you might think,
What if I fall?
Well, what if you don’t?
What if you fly?

Today, class went a little long because we has some play time where I opened the floor to student suggestions. They included headstand and modified triangle, which lead to side plank. Two students fell in, but the water was really warm and it was shallow, so everyone was having fun. I kept Savasana short because half were wet, but I played the “JUMP” song long enough for people to be able to meditate on those words.

After class, on repeat student said to me, “my one piece of advice… your class is great, fun, welcoming… but I recommend that you just go for it. Don’t be scared that we might fall in. We know what we signed up for, and it’s okay if we fall in.”

I love the full circle. I have been keeping my class simple so that know one falls in, but I think there is room to add more physically and mental challenging elements while still keeping to accessible and fun.

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