12 Oct 2024

Yoga at the Ritz 9 - Restorative

This yoga class stars slow with restorative poses then increases intensity with vinyasas and standing poses before cooling down and resting in Savasana.


When: Saturday, October %*d, 2024 from 7:30 - 9:30 AM
Where: The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe
With: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness
Description: Yoga at Ritz is a fun class for all levels and ages with flowing poses and breathwork to build stability, flexibility, and mindfulness. These classes typically follow an arc of opening awareness, warm-up stretches, standing poses, balancing poses, inversions, grounding poses, and relaxation. There are two classes, one at 7:30 and one at 8:30. I adapt each class to the students who show up.
Theme: This yoga class stars slow with restorative poses then increases intensity with vinyasas and standing poses before cooling down and resting in Savasana.

Class Outline

  • Restorative
    • Savasana with bolster on blocks
    • Wide-leg straddle with chest and head on bolster
    • Knee to nose pose with bolster
    • Forward fold with bolster
  • Warm-up
    • Cat / Cow
    • Childs / Cobra
    • Shoulder pigeon
    • Downdog / Bear
    • Sun Salutation
  • Standing Poses
    • Warrior I Flow
    • Warrior II Flow
    • Modified tree pose
    • 1-leg tadasana against the wall
  • Relaxation
    • Seated figure four
    • Legs up wall
    • Wind-relieving pose
    • Reclined twist with bolster
    • Savasana

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