04 Oct 2024

Yoga at the Ritz 7 - Sun Salutations with Affirmations

I used today's class to beta test a flow I'm working on for a private group yoga class next Saturday. The sequence is pretty similar to most of my classes with breath-work, warm-up, standing poses, inversions, and relaxation. However, this time I added what I call 'Sun Salutations with Affirmations'. We make a list of 10 affirmations then say them outloud with each new asana in the Sun Salutation.


When: Friday, October %*d, 2024 from 7:30 - 9:30 AM
Where: The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe
With: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness
Description: Yoga at Ritz is a fun class for all levels and ages with flowing poses and breathwork to build stability, flexibility, and mindfulness. These classes typically follow an arc of opening awareness, warm-up stretches, standing poses, balancing poses, inversions, grounding poses, and relaxation. There are two classes, one at 7:30 and one at 8:30. I adapt each class to the students who show up.
Theme: I used today’s class to beta test a flow I’m working on for a private group yoga class next Saturday. The sequence is pretty similar to most of my classes with breath-work, warm-up, standing poses, inversions, and relaxation. However, this time I added what I call ‘Sun Salutations with Affirmations’. We make a list of 10 affirmations then say them outloud with each new asana in the Sun Salutation.

Class Outline

  • Welcome
  • Write Affirmations
  • Centering Breath-work
  • Warm Up
    • Neck and Shoulder Circles and Twists
    • Seated Forward Bends
    • One Leg Forward Bend
    • Cat + Cow
    • Childs Pose + Cobra + Childs Pose
    • Down Dog + Bear Pose Flow
  • Sun Salutation
    • Once with Only Cues
    • Once with Affirmations
  • Standing Poses
    • Warrior I Flow
    • Warrior II Flow
    • Goddess + Wide Leg Forward Fold
    • Warrior III + Standing Split
    • Tree Pose
  • Core Work
    • Boat
    • Bow and Swimmer
    • Bridge + 1 Leg Lifts
  • Relaxation
    • Legs Up Wall
    • Knees to Chest
    • Reclined Twists
    • Happy Baby
    • Gratitude Savasana
  • Closing


For today’s class I beta tested the sequence I am preparing for a private beach yoga session on October 12. It went really great. For the 7:30 am class a friend who works at the Ritz showed up, so I felt comfortable testing it on her. I was able to work out a few kinks and decided to rearrange a few songs in the playlist.

For the 8:30 class, no one showed up initially, but then a woman came in to do yoga on here own, but after chatting for a bit, I convinced her to let me teach her a few things. We did the Sun Salutations with Affirmations together, and she loved it. She took a photo of the board to keep for herself and to share with her yoga teacher friend. She was there with her family for a 3*day mountain marathon race to bring awareness to children with disabilities.


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