31 Aug 2024

Beach Yoga 14 - Feelin Good

This is my very last beach yoga class of the summer of 2024. The playlist and the sequence are designed to kick of the day feelin' good!


When: Saturday, August 31, 2024 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Where: Mourelatos Lake Shore Resort, Tahoe Vista Directions
Description: Yoga on the Beach is a series of fun class for all levels and ages with flowing poses and breathwork to build stability, flexibility, and mindfulness. These classes will follow an arc of opening awareness, warm-up stretch, balancing poses, inversions, grounding poses, and relaxation.
With: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness

Class Outline

Song Asanas
Kusanagi Welcome
Tension in the Stars Breathwork + Intension
Wonders Seated Stretches
Quiet Cat/Cow + Childs Pose + Cobra
Evan Finds the 3rd Room Boat Poses + 3 Leg Down Dog
Sun is Shining Sun Salutation
Feeling Good Warrior I Flow
Colors Warrior II Flow + Goddess
6s to 9s One Leg Tadasana + Tree + Warrior II Flow
happiness Tree + Standing Split + Seated Figure 4
Cold Spring Bridge Flow
Waves Legs Up Wall + Reclined Twists + Savasana

Spotify Playlist


After class a few people stuck around to do headstands and I got some great photos. Then, a dad came up to me and handed me a little cash tip. He said he practices regularly (I could tell), but he can almost never get his family to go with him, but they really loved my class (e.g. the music, the setting, the playfulness), and he was sure it was the experience they needed to start going as a family more often. Yea!

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