13 Jul 2024

Yoga on the Beach 7 - Family

The theme of this class is 'Family' and includes partner poses and glances to build connection to one another.


When: Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Where: Mourelatos Lake Shore Resort, Tahoe Vista Directions
Description: Yoga on the Beach is a series of fun class for all levels and ages with flowing poses and breathwork to build stability, flexibility, and mindfulness. These classes will follow an arc of opening awareness, warm-up stretch, balancing poses, inversions, grounding poses, and relaxation.
With: Tahoe Flow Arts and Fitness

Class Outline

Song - Activity
The Light - Welcome
Sun & Sea - Meditation
Strawberry Letter 23 - Seated stretch
Feeling Good - Grounded stretch
Colors - Sun Salutations
Sun is Shining - Sun Salutations
Family Affair - Balancing Poses
Mothership Connection - Star Poses
Evan Finds the 3rd Room - Core Work
The Rain - Inversions
You Wish - Seated stretch
Joy - Final Poses
The Light - Savasana
Om - Announcements

Spotify Playlist

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